General Safety

General guidelines for safe outdoor recreation will be followed by our volunteers and encouraged to our participants.

All Hike-A-Thon sites will have knowledgeable volunteer leaders who have been trained in how to lead groups and what to do in case of injury. Our volunteers are NOT expected to perform first-aid on any participants, however at least one first-aid kit is included with each group so that minor first-aid may be self-administered. In the case of any injury requiring more assistance, volunteers are instructed to call 911.

The most prevalent issues that may come up during a hike are dehydration, heat, possible allergy i.e. bees, and rolled/sprained ankles. To help protect against this, participants should be prepared for their hike or paddle with plenty of water, food, and appropriate footwear and clothing for the weather and temperature. Participants may also let their volunteer leaders know at check-in if they have allergies or other health issues that the leaders should be aware of.

Please self-asses your abilities and limitations. Come prepared (see above), and do not participate if you are not feeling well, or have any concerns about the difficulty of the hike. Our volunteers are responsible for the entire group and, though are there to assist you as best they can, may not be able to provide the full assistance you need.